Ixios Special Situations

6 rue Menars
Ixios Special Situations Fund invests in equities of companies involved in corporate events.

The objective of the IXIOS Special Situations Fund is to benefit from the premium generated by a forthcoming or on-going M&A transaction, the sale of an asset or an exceptional distribution in the form of a dividend or share buyback.

Ixios Special Situations Fund invests in equities of companies involved in corporate events such as upcoming or ongoing M&A transactions and asset sales. The fund seeks medium- to long-term capital appreciation. The fund's objective is to achieve an annualized return in excess of 8% over the recommended investment period.

FR0013514270 F Open to subscriptions 5 000 000 EUR 1,00%
FR0014001KX3 F - Prime 29/01/2021 Reserved for founders 0,80%
FR0013514296 I 15/10/2020 100 000 EUR 1,35%
FR0013514304 P 03/12/2020 1 share 2,00%


NAV as of :
Share class AUM :
IXIOS SituationsManagement Objective : F-Prime : 8,55% ; I : 8% ; P : 7,35%

YTD perf % % %
1 year rolling perf % % %
Perf 3 rolling years % % %
Perf since % % %

Countries of registration: France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy (qualified investors).

PRIIPs Performance Scenarios

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The registration countries of the collective investment schemes managed by IXIOS ASSET MANAGEMENT open to non-professional investors are indicated on each fund's page.

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Past performances are by no means a guarantee of future yields. All investments may lead to losses or to gains.