We would like to inform you of the publication of a new version of the Ixios Funds prospectus, relating to the changes to:
- - the deadline for sending redemption subscription orders from 12 noon to 6 p.m. for all the sub-funds;
- - the minimum subscription for class F of the Ixios Smart Manufacturing compartment at USD 4 million.
In addition, we would like to inform you of the decision of the Chairman of the SICAV to limit the maximum number of shares on class F shares to:
- 65,000 Ixios Gold F shares
- 25,000 Ixios Smart Manufacturing F shares
- 50,000 Ixios Recovery F actions
In the letter to shareholders available at the following link, you will find information relating to the new prospectus and the Chairman's decision on the maximum number of shares for the F share classes.